Sunday, July 24, 2005

Short one

Well, I haven't had a chance to post in a while so i'm taking a couple minutes this evening to update. As you can see on the right, I've added a few links. The top one, SLAX, is a pocket linux operating system (OS). All you Windows users out there that don't have the guts to switch to Mac but don't really enjoy Windows I highly recommend this OS. You can run it on your Windows machine directly from a CD. I would get an old PC myself just to run this OS. If anybody has one laying around that they don't want anymore I'd be happy to take it off your hands : )

The second link is to an exellent sound/music editor. If you do any editing of music (Ian) I recommend checking it out. It's full of very impressive features and FX/processors. It's also very expandable. There are many many FX you can install yourself. My laptop has no input and I've never been able plug my guitar into it directly. The answer I found to this was the Griffin imic. It is a USB external sound card, very high quality. I bought it on Amazon for $30.00. A steal for the capability and quality. I actually run a microphone and my guitar through my Boss digital recording studio then through the imic. I do all my editing in Audacity. Hopefully I'll be able to put a clip up here soon so you can hear the quality of this little30 dollar wonder.

The third and last link is to a program called MacSword. This is a Mac OSX bible study "aid" i guess you could call it. You can chose to download many different versions and translations of the Bible (including Hebrew, Greek, Latin, and many others) There are also commentaries such as Matthew Henry's consice commentary, Luther's , Lightfoot's, Spurgeon's, Weslsy's ...and more. An abundance of lexicons, books and devotionals. Check it out.



Blogger Ian said...


Where'd your links go!?

9:20 AM  
Blogger Robb said...

Links are back. Sorry abot that. Ian, am I gonna see you in Aug ?

8:14 AM  
Blogger Ian said...

I think maybe for a day or two. Michelle will be out at either the beginning or middle of next week, I'll join her on Saturday the 13th. Hopefully we'll cross paths at some point.

8:18 AM  
Blogger Robb said...

i be there the night of the 10th through the 14th. You wanna learn how to roll a kayak? :)

1:31 PM  
Blogger Ian said...

Absolutely. I'll bring my swimming trunks!

3:09 PM  
Blogger BethsMomToo said...

Saw your boy this weekend. Those eyes sure do look familiar. ;) I tried working with him to say my name, but no go. I figure if I do it every time I see him, he'll begin to remember me. [I remember the time (did I already tell this?) that Isabel was visiting and wandered into my SS room. I greeted her enthusiastically, and then said, "You probably don't remember me." She said she didn't, but had discovered "Lots of people here sure like me!" ;)]

3:47 PM  

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