Wednesday, June 22, 2005

One more picture

I took this at a park near Philly.


Blogger Ian said...


What's going on? Y'know, have you ever thought about maybe submitting some of your photo's to publications as free-lance stuff? I definitely think you'd have some takers. You don't happen to have a pic of Isobel like the ones you sent us of Aedan and Judah, do you? Michelle and I need to round of our collection.

So, when are you guys coming out? We need to arrainge a get together this summer.

6:52 PM  
Blogger Robb said...

I just tried to send it to your email address but got an error message

Sorry, I thought I had already sent you that one. I can send you an full size print if you like, or if you don't mind pictures of your kid on the internet i can post it here as a link to a larger one... or you can give me a correct email address ; )

7:12 PM  

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