Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Another Clip

I think this will be my last post with pictures or videos for a while. I'll give all your computers a little break. This is a clip of Andy talking a bit about us then his first attempt a rolling in his new kayak. Not a perfect roll, but he's still getting used to his new boat. The next part is me after I'd rolled a couple times successfully.
As you can see I figured out how to put the link directly into the post. I think I'll go back and put the last clip into that post as well.


Blogger Beth said...

Nice 'yaks!
I like the first clips of the successful role- with the yells of disbelief. How close are you guys to Ohiopyle WV? I bet it is only 2 hrs from Pittsburgh. I went kyaking there a few times- just on a duckie- but it is a great place to go- they have a shuttle that brings you back to where you put in. Have you guys done any white water yet- or still getting the basics down?
have fun!

11:36 AM  
Blogger Robb said...

No whitewater yet. Hopefully soon, l need to find the time.

2:15 PM  

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