Monday, June 20, 2005

Eskimo Roll

Here is a link to the first eskimo rolls Andy and I ever successfully completed. Granted the technique is absolutely horrendous, but you gotta start some where right? We both achieved this on our 6th attempt (pretty good if you ask me ; ) ). Tomorrow I'll link a short clip of us after we'd done a few and with a little more elegance : ) I'll also put a few pictures up of Andy's new kayak. We got him one that's bigger than mine because he was feeling a bit trapped while upside down. A very uncomfortable feeling. He was also rubbing his knees raw on the thigh braces while wet exiting, almost drawing blood a few times. The new one would probably fit you Ian... It's called the "Big EZ'. Mine (the one in the video) is the EZ. Hope you all enjoy. I also have quite a few clips of unsuccessful rolls. They're actually quite funny. If any one would like to see them I can link them as well.


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