Tuesday, October 18, 2005


This is a picture I took a while back and stumbled upon it today. What do you think?


Blogger Robb said...

I agree. I liked the idea for the background, but more cars or none could make it better.

8:01 AM  
Blogger Ian said...

C'mon, Robb, you're a pro with the ol' Photo-shop; take those cars out of there, or put more in! ;)

12:22 PM  
Blogger Robb said...

OY, I could probably take them out...but it might be easier to go stand by the fence for a few days and hope there's a time when no cars are going by : ) this is Downtown Phila ya' know.

2:25 PM  
Blogger BethsMomToo said...

I can see why photographers enjoy working with black and white! So much more dramatic. I think that's why I like black & white movies and hate to see them colorize something intended to be b/w. You miss so much of what was intended!

I love the lines, contrast between the wavy lines of the fence and the straight lines of the road. I don't know whether I'd prefer no cars or lots of cars, but that truck is too distracting. Maybe you should wait for all of them to be sedans. ;)

I took Madeleine & Gracie to an art museum. For young children they had an amazing eye for art. After pointing out what we liked and explaining why (in a pottery exhibit), Maddie said, "Mrs. C. you like curved lines and I like them more linear." Wow! Out of the mouths of babes! Wendy's Dad has some artistic talent and the two girls have an appreciation I don't normally see in children that young. Keep an eye on your kids as they grow. About 1st grade I'd love to start introducing them to art museums! Maybe you'll be back here by then.

5:26 PM  

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