Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Packing Up

I won't be around for a few weeks. We're packing everthing up for the move back to NH. I'll have my laptop so you may hear from me. I will, if anything, be working on my other page.


Blogger Ian said...

And so the exile in PA draws to a close; the exodus back to NH begins. You guys were the first out, now you're the first back. I'm so excited for you. Unfortunately, we, the last of the exiles to return, won't be heading back for about 5 yrs.

Gonna' miss Philly at all? (Is that a stupid question?)

1:30 PM  
Blogger Tim Costine said...

are you going to chester area or up north?

2:06 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

I hear that we won't be having them in the Chester area :( am I right about that Robb? We won't be too sad and oh, thanks for the Christmas card, however I think that the picture fell out of the envelope before it was sealed, I am sure that it was not intentionally forgotten RIGHT? ;) I hear from people that it is cute! (HINT HINT)

11:24 PM  

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